Forrester recently published a report which shows that retailers aren’t prioritizing the right digital technologies in bricks and mortar stores. Their findings showed that retailers customer experience intentions were often missed in execution, making the experience more complex and confusing for retailers.
This emphasizes the need to tighten the gap between intention and execution – something we have been doing for our clients for a long time. Our recent SEGD webinar took attendees through a number of frameworks we use to achieve this.
The main findings of the research were that
- Operations technologies that improve store operations and help physical store teams perform better deliver great business value to retails. The customer insights delivered by these technologies spur real-time action by store staff, delivering measurable benefits.
- Consumer mobile engagement technologies are also leading the way in delivering significant business value to retailers.
One of the main themes that came out of the report is that is that retailers need to focus on customers and their needs first, rather than putting the technology first when implementing successful instore digital retail strategies.