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Reality Interactive welcomes Michael Esser, seasoned business development executive, to the team.

We are excited to announce that Michael Esser will join the team as Business Development Manager.  ​Michael Esser is a results-driven business development executive with over a decade of hands-on marketing, communications, public affairs and public relations insights in the high-intensity agency environment.  Michael brings his experience in project management, client management, media pitching, digital engagement, strategic message development, political strategy, government relations, production and a wide range of customer engagement tactics to the team. He has also been involved in the creation of impactful placements for US national campaigns that reach strategic demographics to change public opinion and increase revenue outcome – offering a unique, insightful perspective, Michael will lead our business development efforts as we grow into new

Reality Interactive Adds SMART Health Card Reader to the AXSIS™ Platform. 

The AXSIS™ platform’s capabilities are continuing to help businesses meet changing health and safety regulations around COVID-19.  Placed anywhere scanning is required for retail stores, offices, manufacturing facilities and universities the AXSIS™ Platform is able to scan and recognize Smart Health Cards and other vaccine passports. It also keeps records as needed.  This feature is in addition to the standard features offered by the AXSIS™, including contactless temperature checks and survey questions. Other features include temperature scanning, QR code processing, door lock integrations, facial recognition & more. “We see this as a key benefit for businesses who continue to work in-person or operate on a hybrid work schedule,” said Mitch DeBonville, Director of Sales, Reality Interactive. “We’re constantly working to

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Updated July 2015 By accessing and commenting on (“Reality Interactive”), you accept this policy without limitation or qualification. Your access to the Reality interactive website is therefore subject to this policy as well as to all applicable laws. Content All Reality Interactive information included in this website is for information purposes only. The information in this website is not legally binding and does not constitute an offer to sell. While Reality Interactive makes all reasonable efforts to insure that all information on this website is correct, accuracy cannot be guaranteed and Reality Interactive does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of any information contained in this website. This website and all information and materials contained herein, is provided to you

What Is Marker Based AR?

Before you need to know what marker based AR is you may be wondering what Augmented Reality is. If this is you, check out this article.  Marker based AR, also known as image recognition AR, requires a trigger photo or QR code to activate the AR experience. The user can scan the marker using their phone camera and the digital experience will appear on top of the marker. This allows the user to move around the marker and see the digital experience in 3D.  Burger King did a genius marketing campaign, “Burn That Ad” featuring marker based AR. Users could point their camera at the marker: a McDonald’s print, coupon or billboard and the app would make it appear as if it were catching on fire, leaving a coupon for a

Marker Based vs Markerless AR – Which Is Best For You?

So you’re interested in finding out which AR solution is best for you? Here at Reality we are kind of the experts on all things augmented reality. Whether you are interested in marker based AR or markerless AR we can do it all. First let’s define the experiences.     Marker based AR, also known as image recognition AR, requires a trigger photo or QR code to activate the experience. The user is able to scan the marker using their phone camera and the digital experience will appear. This allows the user to move around the marker and see the digital experience in 3D. Burger King did a genius marketing campaign, “Burn That Ad” featuring marker based AR. Users could point their camera at the

AR vs VR, What Provides The Most Value To Brands In 2022?

Virtual and augmented reality are not going away anytime soon, in fact in 2022 the AR and VR market is projected to grow to 8x more than it was valued in 2018, and 71% of consumers said they would shop more often if brands used AR. With the rise of online shopping due to the pandemic customers and retailers have been adopting new innovative ways to shop online and give customers a more tangible product experience. With these stats in mind, it is clear that in the coming years more companies will be adopting AR and VR technology. But which is right for you?    Augmented Reality allows you to see a computer-generated, digital asset on top of the real world around you. This gives the illusion that the digital

5 Factors to Consider for a Successful Digital Transformation

Due to the pandemic many businesses have had to execute digital transformation strategies overnight to keep up with changing regulations, consumer adoption rates, and even to survive.   So, what makes a successful digital transformation? Here, we’ll explore 5 main areas to take into consideration.   1. People People play an important part in the role of digital transformation – whether it’s a trusted partner you are working with to turn your needs into set requirements and help build performance metrics of success, or your employees who are being asked to adopt a different way of working, people can make or break the success of your endeavor. Take the time to bring your employees with you on your digital transformation

How to pick a digital signage partner (3 things you need to know)

There are many benefits to having digital signage in your store including: Increased purchasing decisions by up to 33% Driving traffic (8/10 customers have entered a store because of a digital sign catching their interest!) The ability to quickly changing content throughout the day with automated day parting Whether you’re thinking about investing in digital signage for the first time or looking to switch digital signage partners, there are a few things you need to consider before choosing your digital signage partner. Content Management Systems A content management system (CMS) is very important to the success of your digital signage. You need a partner who’s CMS can allow you to schedule your content in advance, upload menus in real time

Why Digital Integrations Fail Without a Content Strategy 

From interactive fitting rooms that recommend matching accessories based on your chosen outfit to personalized product recommendations on e-commerce platforms, technology is transforming the way we shop. But here’s the secret no one tells you: without a strong content strategy, these integrations become glorified ghost towns.  73% of consumers say they need to read product descriptions before making a purchase. Now imagine a fancy digital signage display with nothing but the store logo or, worse, nothing at all. That’s a recipe for cart abandonment and frustrated customers.  Imagine a store with:  Voice-activated product searches powered by digital signage software that return irrelevant results due to inaccurate product descriptions  Interactive kiosks with outdated information or malfunctioning features  Augmented reality experiences that can’t properly showcase

Enhanced shopper experiences

Enhanced shopper experiences. The traditional shopping journey is now expanding at an accelerated rate. Shoppers are planning in advance, and actively looking for more options. As shopping evolves, so must you. Are you ready? Click below to read the 2020 Shopper Insights Report. Download report Enhanced shopper experiences. The traditional shopping journey is now expanding at an accelerated rate. Shoppers are planning in advance, and actively looking for more options. As shopping evolves, so must you. Are you ready? Click below to read the 2020 Shopper Insights Report. Healthy Employees, Confident Customers. Our clients have reopened their businesses quickly and safely with our AXSIS™ thermal scanner enabled digital hub. Our bitSHUTTLE™ Content Management Platform keeps these devices running smoothly and

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